Successful sails meet your needs......

At JG Sails, we have built a series of aerofoil shaped sail making blocks. Using these blocks, the draft depth and position will be consistent for each and every sail manufactured.
Many hours of development have gone into the building of the blocks, and the results reflect that commitment.
The block used and the draft position for each sail is recorded, so that a sail can be repeated at any time.

Typical sail material includes both 50 micron and 75 micron mylar drafting film for IOM and Ten Rater classes, as well as fibre reinforced cloth for larger sails.
Mylar film is the preferred material for sails as it holds its shape through a wide range of conditions ensuring the shape remains as constant as possible.
We have trialled many different materials, and use only the best available for our sails.

Mainsail luff finishes can be made for either round or groovy masts. Luff finishes for round masts can either be a pocket to encase a jackstay, or eyelets for mast rings.
Jib luffs come with a pocket for a wire forestay as standard. Jib luff tapes are available in a range of colours.
IOM sail seams are not stitched, as the tapes used are very high quality. Sail stitching is used for some of the A Class and Ten Rater sails made from heavier, reinforced cloth.
All eyelets and reinforcing patches are positioned to spread the load across the sail. Corner patches are available in red, blue, black, white, fluro yellow, green and pink.
Class Insignias and Sail numbers can be added at a small cost.
Jeff's attention to detail ensures that all sails are finished to a very high standard.
If a sail is not good enought to go on one of Jeff's boats, it doesn't go out the door. You can be assured of receiving first class, high quality sails each and every time.